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Certified Reflexology

No matter the sport,
the feet take a beating

Certified reflexology can help relieve pain, realign dysfunctional stress patterns and speed healing... 
athlete or not.

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Athletes feet take a pounding, especially dancers. Certified reflexology, along with healing salts, balms and more help to rejuvenate and restore tire feet and legs, as well as assist in healing tissue, bruises and strains.


Even sitting, standing or lying down for long periods can restrict blood and energy flows, creating stagnation and pain in the body.


 Sometimes we get stuck in some sort of resistance to what is happening in our lives, and block the normal flow of energy through our systems.  Worry, stress and tension cause muscles to tighten and create impasses, not only for blood and lymph flows, but nerve and energy transport as well. These blocks can become painful knots in the muscles, manifest as nerve pain, joint stiffness and eventually disease. These stagnations create weak areas in the body and make one more susceptible to injuries and accidents such as tripping and falling.​​


The combination of certified foot reflexology, energy field adjustments, sound, salts and botanicals such as aromatic oils, herbal tinctures and teas can assist in opening these pathways for healthier flow. 

Sessions range from 60-75 minutes and are $125. All sessions begin with a consultation, as sessions are tailored to the individual. Sessions are a unique combination of techniques from multiple trainings, certifications and results from working with hundreds of clients from ballroom/athlete to professional, medical and private in-home settings over the past 18 years.


  • Laura Norman's school of reflexology, (noted authority) in foot, hand, ear and face

  • Certified in foot refloxology by the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB)

  • Self studied Chinese foot reflexology

  • Qi Gong 

  • Reconnective Healing

  • Matrix Energetics

  • Psych-Kineseology

  • QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy with Dolores Cannon) 

  • Aromatherapy (David Crow and Jade Schutes Courses + self study)

  • B.S. Biology with extensive studies and research in botany and quantum physics and more


To Schedule a Session, please contact:


OM Spa Chiropractic and Wellness

523 Fenton Place

Charlotte, NC 28207



OR use the contact page for questions, more information or to schedule a home session.



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